Bespoke SEO Strategy & Consultancy
Bespoke SEO Strategy & Consultancy
Bespoke SEO Strategy & Consultancy: Long gone are the days when you could plan an SEO strategy for the year, use it to set KPIs and objectives, and then revisit it a year later. This myopic view is outdated but is sadly still being practiced by SEO agencies who deal in ‘package deals’ and token systems.
SEO is an agile process, as it’s exceedingly rare that any two websites are the same, even more so that they have the exact same needs and requirements. An agile SEO consultant is an up-to-date SEO: it’s more than just a practice, it’s a mentality.
It’s not just about keeping up with the latest algorithm changes. In fact, ethical SEOs don’t panic when there is a Penguin update or when there’s a quality (often dubbed Phantom) update – only SEOs doing ‘black hat’ practices worry.
A truly agile SEO strategy focuses on the end user; algorithms will always be changing, and this is why it’s impossible to build a fool-proof, long-term strategy.
Search Engine Optimisation Strategy
I’m a firm believer that good, quality SEO isn’t seen or heard, but works behind the scenes of a website, making continual iterative changes to improve it. This is why many SEO agencies make a lot of noise for themselves but ultimately, it boils down to the quality of work.
I have worked with brands to devise comprehensive SEO strategies in some of the world’s most competitive verticals and achieved long-term results for clients.
If you would like more information, or to discuss your site and how you envisage moving forward, please don’t hesitate to contact me.