How SEO Works in 2021

How SEO Works in 2021

Search engine optimisation has been an integral part of many websites, as without it, getting discovered online could be left to chance. However, just because SEO has been used for several years does not mean that the practices stay the same.

An example of how SEO changes can be observed in the various algorithm updates Google has deployed over the years. What could once be achieved with a few keywords can now take several months of work.

However, the changes in place do ensure the results being listed are relevant to users, which can only be beneficial for a business.

Understanding the Concept of Search Intent

In the past, many SEO specialists will have been researching what people are looking for. Nowadays, they will also factor in the reason people are searching. Having a better idea of search intent allows content to be aligned with the Google algorithm, which is used to ensure that those entering search queries are met with relevant results.

Despite there being several factors to consider, the concept of search intent can be broken down into the following segments.

Informational: Content can include how-to articles and strategies for online marketing.

Navigational: Those carrying out a search will be looking for a specific website. Examples include Facebook, Instagram and Netflix.

Commercial: Commercial searches are carried out by those committed to a particular brand. A good example can be Sony and Microsoft during a new console launch.

Transactional: These types of searches exist when an online user has decided on a product. An example of a search query in this context can be “buy iPhone.”

Some simple editing can make all the difference when proofing content to meet search intent.

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags will be displayed within search results, whereas meta descriptions explain the contents of the page to online users. As such, they are important aspects to consider when carrying out SEO in 2021.

Although both should include using keywords, it is just as important to ensure that they are not stuffed in. Similarly, using title tags and meta descriptions can also be aligned with search intent.

Website Designs and User Experience are Important Ranking Factors

It is not only the information contained within the website that Google looks out for when presenting results, but also the outlay and user experience the website offers. A website should be optimised to be shown on mobile devices, and have a rapid-loading time, otherwise you could find that website rankings are affected as a result.

Although creating you own website may be cost effective during the start of the business, enlisting the services of an SEO specialist ensures that the business can stand out among the crowd and obtain the relevant conversions.

If you have a website that is outdated or fails to conform to mobile devices, then there could be other issues that need correcting, including image optimisation and updating content. However, the sooner these problems are rectified, the sooner improved rankings can be seen.

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