With a lot of advancements and updates in the SEO vertical, it has become nearly impossible to choose what to choose and what to ignore and walk away. For example, traditional methodologies like usage of targeting keywords for increasing the organic traffic are no longer effective. So, let’s buck up and have a look at some of the techniques that will help you to drive more traffic to your website and improving the overall search ranking without worrying about getting your website penalized by Google.

  1. Remove Parameters That Decrease Your Website Speed

There is no denial in the fact that page speed is the top priority when it comes to SEO. While earlier the loading time of websites was as long as 5 minutes, in today’s time is nothing more than a death sentence. It only frustrates your visitor and increases the bounce rate of your website. Therefore, the first thing that you need to do is remove all the things that slow down your website and improve the user experience.

  1. Don’t Underestimate Link Building

Whilst most of the people think that link building takes visitors away from your website, we think that this is not true. Link building has always and we believe will always play a crucial role in your SEO strategy. However, keep in mind that you link your website to authentic pages having relevant content.

  1. Write For People, Not Search Engines

In the process of targeting your audiences with the usage of keywords in the content, the writers have started writing with a mindset to fit in the keywords rather than making it worthy of reading for the visitors. While you think that you are engaging more people, the reality is that you are losing a major part of your audience by providing invaluable content. Remember, while writing, your first priority is to write good quality content for your audience and not just for search engines.

  1. Unique Meta Descriptions is Necessary

Meta-descriptions is one of the things that is highly ignored by the people involved in SEO. It is the first section that viewers see when your page is served up by Google after searches. A duplicate meta-description can lead your website on to the path of getting penalize and hence it should be unique.

  1. Social Links Are Equally Important

Nobody can deny the importance of Social Media in an effective SEO strategy. This is because, even though Google does not include social media in its ranking algorithm, social media always has a positive effect in the ranking of your website. Facebook shares and likes, tweets, pins, etc.

If you pay attention to these tips, then you will definitely witness an increase in the ranking of your website, will acquire more leads and hence will get more ROI. All the best!

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