Cheap website traffic

Cheap website traffic

Cheap website traffic – To understand the popularity of cheap traffic, all you have to do is search for keywords like “buy cheap website traffic” and look at the results page filled with options. It shouldn’t be a surprise that small businesses buy cheap traffic, as they try to drive activity to their website on a limited budget. What may surprise you, though, is that larger publishers also buy cheap traffic.

Why do publishers buy cheap traffic? There are two primary reasons:

To make money. Some publishers run an arbitrage by selling display ads on a page for a price that is higher than what they pay to drive visitors to the site. The lower the price for the paid traffic, the more money they can make.

To boost the number of visitors. When publishers sell online advertising space, they make commitments to advertisers on the number of visitors to their site. Sometimes those numbers need a boost, and buying cheap traffic can accomplish that. Click now

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